"Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet, and the chance to send a message of hope to world leaders".
All of us, kids and adults, can vote by making a paper latern with a personal message to world leaders and send it to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Conference. In this way we can tell them why we want them to do something about global warming.
As it can be difficult to send it in time, your family can also make a virtual lattern which will be treated as your voice for the planet.
It’s fun, it’s creative and it lets kids have their say on the planet they’ll inherit.
The first latern is already done! Here you can see Marta`s one:

To make your own virtual latern - visit: http://www.earthhour.org/kids/MakeALantern.aspx
Organisers remind you: "As long as there is Earth, there will be Earth Hour! It’s held each year on the last Saturday in March. Which means the next Earth Hour event will be Saturday 27 March 2010. Mark it on your calendar now!"

Do not forget: VOTE EARTH!