
our eTwinning place in our class

We may be far away but we created a special place in our class where we exhibit your work as well. We are all friends, distant but friends!!!

Children from Greece gave a big hug to Curly from UK!!

Today, sweet little Curly also arrived in our class!We already adore him!!He is so small and so cute, all the children want to hug him all the timeThank you also for the informational material and your nice drawings!!!Tomorrow, we will bring chestnuts and hazelnuts to feed him and a basket to sleep!He is safe, don't worry!!

Pepe, our little stork, from Poland is welcomed in Greece!!

Today we received your parcel and you can't imagine how much we loved everything in there from Pepe, of course, to pencils, beautiful drawings, information..everything!!We are planning to make a nest for Pepe to feel at home. Don't worry we will take good care of him!!!